Saturday, September 10, 2011

Time for that Facelift

The front gate has looked pathetic since the day we moved in. Having a hazardous metal screen, a dull chalk like worn paint job and lots of surface rust, this gate has for sure seen better days.

After last weekend when we removed the overgrown ivy we decided it was time to address the issues with this gate. First things first, removing that barely hanging on metal screen so people wouldn't get scratched anymore.

Much better!

I unhinged the gate and placed it on the concrete walkway by the front door. Once I had the gate on the ground I was able to start removing the rust. I started with a steel brush to knock off all the large flakes of paint and rust. I then used 150 grit sandpaper the rest of the way to get the gate to the bare metal in all the areas where there had been rust and the paint had come off. I was exhausted after all of that sanding who knew it would take two and a half hours to get all the rust removed.

After my extensive sanding job I wiped the gate down with a wet rag to get of all the rust dust. I then carried it into the back yard and laid it on a large piece of cardboard in preparation for spray paint.

I chose to use a metallic spray paint in the color of oil rubbed bronze. I had seen a few of the blogs I follow use this paint and it always looked fantastic. Using the methods that these blogs had described I applied three thin and even coats of spray paint. I am so glad that I had read these blogs beforehand. This gate turned out fantastic.

After a few hours of drying in the back yard it was dry enough for me to move it into place. I was really excited to see my final product, especially after all of that sanding. I really wanted it in place over night while the paint was still curing. I still have one last thing to do before this gate project can be complete. I need to paint the hinge piece that is attached to the wall. I know this should have been the first thing I did but I couldn't find my tape. Hopefully I find it soon and can get this project 100%.

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