We have new lights! We got a foyer light, a dining light, a light for the hallway and a bathroom light for Christmas! They look great! We have been able to install the foyer and dining as you will see shortly. Garrett installed them for us. The hallway light Steph installed during spring break it looks great!
Here is the Dining room light while Garrett is installing it. We hadn't hung it at the right height yet...
Here are 2 pictures that Matt took while he was messing around with our camera.
Here is the new foyer light! It looks great!
Here are both of our new lights together! Yay! Thanks Garrett for installing them!
During Christmas we got ourselves 2 presents a china cabinet and a queen bed! both we got for a steal! I have a picture of the cabinet but not the bed yet.
The cabinet had a broken mirror so there was a huge discount on it, we couldn't resist. This is not a very good picture of the cabinet but we will get a better one up hopefully soon!
Here is the Office now.. Steph rearranged and hung a lot of Geoff's sports memorabilia and it looks great!
We have done a lot since August 2009. We replaced all the outlet plates, replaced the registers for the heating and AC, hung the cabinets doors in the bathrooms and kitchen, received a new couch, received our wedding photos and framed our engagement photos and hung them in the house, we got a microwave for the kitchen, and lots and lots of beautifying of the house to make it a home. There is so much that we have done since the last update I am sure we have missed a lot.
I particularly enjoy the picture of my butt sticking out of the office. LOL. You're lights are awesome, tho :-)