It is the beginning of fall now and I just returned home from my month long trip in York, PA. (More on that later). A week ago when I was travelling home I was under the impression that my courtyard and all my flowers would already be dead. Boy was I ever wrong..
Not only has everything seemed to get more massive but my day lilies are actually blooming for the first time! They are lovely! I had bought these from Lowes earlier in the year, they were in the clearance plant section for $2 each. When I bought them I was convinced they were going to die and here they are all the way into October and blooming!
We even had a nice little crop of green chile to pick when I returned. I cannot wait to eat them!
The front yard is also looking amazing. Everything is still blooming and going strong. I cannot believe how big all of the plants are.
Under the tree looks pretty good, even though some of the plants are definitely starting to die from the cold weather.

While I was gone, Geoff was a sweetheart and finished up the front yard. Now that all the gravel is finish and the stone walkway is in place we realized things look a little bare. We are not sure yet to do about this, so realize there is still room for improvement. It does look a lot better though, thanks Geoff!
What do you think? Does the front yard look bare now or unbalanced? Have any ideas how to remedy this issue?